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Woman Putting on Finger Plectrums to Play the Koto, early 19th century. Creator: Utagawa Toyohiro.
Bando Mitsugoro II as Shinbei in the Kabuki Play "Sukeroku", late 18th-early 19th century. Creator: Utagawa Toyokuni I.
Landscape, dated 1649. Creator: Wang Duo.
Clearing after Rain over Streams and Mountains, dated 1662. Creator: Wang Hui.
Mountain Scenery with Streams and Pavilions in the Style of Fan Kuan, 1667. Creator: Wang Jian.
Lofty Scholar among Streams and Mountains, in the manner of Juran, late 17th century. Creator: Wang Jian.
Sketch for the Portrait of Tachihara Suiken, 19th century. Creator: Watanabe Kazan.
Tiger Calligraphy, dated 1890. Creator: Weng Tonghe.
Travelers among Streams and Mountains, probably 1670s. Creator: Wu Li.
Bamboo in Wind, ca. 1460. Creator: Xia Chang.
Egrets in a Lotus Pond, 1852. Creator: Yamamoto Baiitsu.
Egrets, Peonies, and Willows, early 19th century. Creator: Yamamoto Baiitsu.
Rock and Bamboo (Chikuseki zu), 18th century. Creator: Yanagisawa Kien.
Carp and Waterweeds, late 15th century. Creator: Yogetsu.
Spring Cleaning, 19th century. Creator: Yokoi Kinkoku.
Autumn Landscape, ca. 1780. Creator: Yosa Buson.
Studying a Painting, 16th century. Creator: Zhang Lu.
Poetic Maxim, dated 1691. Creator: Zheng Fu.
Taima Mandala, probably late 14th century. Creator: Unknown.
Shaka Triad and the Sixteen Rakan, 14th century. Creator: Unknown.
White-Robed Kannon, 15th century. Creator: Unknown.
Boating on a River Beneath a Cliff, datable to 1673. Creator: Mei Qing.
Courtesan and Attendants, late 18th century. Creator: Shunsho.
Young Woman with a Book, mid-18th century. Creator: Shunsho.
Gyoran Kannon. Creator: Miyagawa Choshun.
Samurai and Wakashu (Bushi to wakashu), early 18th century. Creator: Miyagawa Issho.
Courtesan on Parade, late 1730s-early 1740s. Creator: Miyagawa Issho.
Dragon, 16th or 17th century. Creator: Unknown.
Tiger, 16th or 17th century. Creator: Unknown.
'Abiding nowhere, the awakened mind arises' (Omu shoju nisho goshin), early 14th century. Creator: Muso Soseki.
Section of the Dream Diary (Yume no ki) with a Sketch of Mountains, ca. 1203-10. Creator: Myoe Koben.
Drinking Festival of the Eight Immortals of the Wine Cup, late 18th century. Creator: Unknown.
Two Women and a Puppy, before 1785. Creator: Nagasawa Rosetsu.
Landscape with Waterfall, 1841. Creator: Nakabayashi Chikuto.
Mountain Stream on a Summer Day, 19th century. Creator: Nakabayashi Chikuto.
Herons in the Snow, ca. 1840. Creator: Nakabayashi Chikuto.
Wind among the Trees on the Riverbank, 1363. Creator: Ni Zan.
Enjoying the Wilderness in an Autumn Grove, dated 1339. Creator: Ni Zan.
Spring Landscape, 1844. Creator: Nukina Kaioku.
Preliminary Drawing of Three Deer Mounted on a Hanging-scroll..., 19th century (painting). Creator: Ogata Korin.
Shorinji Temple, 1817. Creator: Okada Beisanjin.
Bamboo and Plum in Early Spring, 1843. Creator: Okada Hanko.
Yukihira and Two Brinemaidens at Suma, 18th century. Creator: Okumura Masanobu.
A Tang Palace. Creator: Qiu Ying.
Lady in a Bamboo Grove. Creator: Qiu Ying.
Portrait of an Old Lady, dated "xinyou" (1561 or 1621?). Creator: Ruan Zude.
Portrait of the Artist's Great-Granduncle Yizhai at the Age of Eighty-Five...(1561 or 1621?). Creator: Ruan Zude.
Standing Woman, 1740s. Creator: Ryukado.
Two Egrets and Lotus, 1761-1828. Creator: Sakai Hoitsu.
Bush Warbler (Uguisu) in a Plum Tree, early 19th century. Creator: Sakai Hoitsu.
Snowy Landscape, 1744. Creator: Sakaki Hyakusen.
Oxherding, first half of the 15th century. Creator: Sekkyakushi.
'Tenmangu', Sugawara no Michizane as Tenjin Traveling to China, early 19th century. Creator: Sengai Gibon.
Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove, 1550s. Creator: Sesson Shukei.
Flowering Crabapple and Pair of Birds, dated 1744. Creator: Shen Nanpin.
Flowers and Birds, 1750. Creator: Shen Nanpin.
Silent Angler in an Autumn Wood, dated 1475. Creator: Shen Zhou.
Autumn Maple, late 19th century. Creator: Shibata Zeshin.
Sparklers on Summer Evening. Creator: Shiokawa Bunrin.
Drunk in Autumn Woods, ca. 1702. Creator: Shitao.